No. 498 Shijin Road, Xukou Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou China
The selection and installation of construction machinery hydraulic hose
Time:2014-12-27 Source: Views:4767
The correct selection ofhydraulic hose,matter to whetherthe entire hydraulic systemnormal work andenterprise procurementcost.The selection ofhydraulic hosefrom itssize,pressure,bending radius,temperature adaptationrange,considering thefactors such asworking mediumand theactivity space.
Hydraulic hosediameteris too small,willwith largeinternalmedium flow,making the systemmoreefficiency to reduce,fever,andmay cause too largepressure drop,affect the performance of the whole system;diameterwill increase thepurchase cost,the normal operation ofinfluence system.When thepipe clamp fixedorthehose through thesteeltube,should pay attention tothe outside diameter of hose.The use ofhose,diameter andflowvelocitydiagram,canchoose suitablehosediameterrapidly,as shown in figures.For example:the hydraulic systemflow is 75 L/min,recommended velocityis 6pipelinem/s,the 2coordinates of thepoints into1 lines,and thediameter of the pipecolumn of theintersection of15.9mm isrequired forthe inner diameter ofthe hose.
(2)the pressurehose
Hydraulic hosemorepressure,the higher the price.The maximum working pressurehoseshall bebased on the systempressure determination,selectionmust considerto ensure the systemnormal operation,but alsosave the purchasing cost.Because of the existence ofimpact loadin the hydraulic system,the maximum working pressure ofthe maximum workingpressure hoseare generally larger than thoseof the hydraulic system,and thehoseburst pressureis generallythe maximum working pressure of3~ 4 times.
(3)the temperature range
The environmental temperature andhydraulic hoseworkthrough the highor low,can affect thelifeand ability of the pressurehose,sono matter how tochangehoseworking state,the temperature of the environmentmaylimit of temperature resistanceoverrubber hose.The limits recommendedtemperatureis lower or higher than thehose,are likely toreducethedamagecaused bythe performance ofrubber hose,hose,causingthe hoseleak.Sonear the heatdistributiontube,must takemeasuresappropriate.
(4)the working medium
Should be based on thehydraulicmedium,selection ofmaterialssuitable forrubber hose.The working mediumof engineering machineryhydraulic oil isselected,hose,should be selectedand used by thehydraulic oilcompatiblehose.
(5)the bending radius
In the choice ofhigh pressure hose,shouldpay attention tohigh pressurehosebending radius.Calculation of bendingradius,shouldwithholdlengthminus frontjoint.If the hoseusing the bendingradiusbendingradius is less than therubberparts,will make thebearingcapacity and service lifeof thelowerhose.The allowable pressureanddiameteris the samein the hose,priority should be to choosea smaller bending radiusof thehose,itcanensure thestructure layeris not damaged.
(6)the activity space
Engineering machineryhoseis more,thespace is limited,when usedin regular contact withhard objects orfriction,sodepending on the situation in thehoseis addedtoexternalsheath.
Select thehoseafter,alsomust choosethe correspondingpipejoint.Determine thepipe or tubejointsare usuallyconnectedby theirdevice interface,so toconsider whether it isappropriatejoint.For thehigh pressure pipeline,should chooseto withholdtube jointpermanent.
2 installation notes
The correct installation ofthe rubber hoseis very important.If thehoseis too long,not onlyaffect the appearance,but also increase the cost of;such ashoseis too short,notenoughleeway,is easy tobe damagedin the process of usingin engineeringmachinery.Arrangement ofhose,hoseshould be avoidedbecause oftensile,compression,distortion orinacute officebecause of friction anddamage,to ensure thesafe useand service life.Must becarefully checkedbefore installationof thehose,check the projectincluding the size,type,and the length ofthe hose assemblycleanliness,and whether there arejams,blistering,delaminationdefects.
(1)do notdistort
When installing hose,make sure it is notdistorted,orwhen thepressure is too largewill damage thehoseormadeloose connections.Ifin someunavoidablehosetwistof the occasion,thetwist angleshould not exceed5 degrees.
(2)lengthshould be leftmargin
Stress causes thehose lengthchange,the changerate of up to-4%~ +2%.In addition,manyhoseconstruction machineryaremovement withmechanicaloccurred,and should therefore beleft marginduring installation,otherwise thelong-term use can causeleaksat the joints,and eventhe jointloosening.Hoseshould beset aside enoughfree length.The generalfree lengthL = 1.5D(D is theoutside diameter).
(3)bending radius should beenough
Hoseshould have sufficientbending radius.Bending radius islarge enough(i.e.,leave a properlength),canprevent the generation ofhosedamage andthrottlingphenomena;toosmall bending radiuswould seriously reduce thehoselife,andproduce toomuchpressureloss,reduce work efficiency.The bending radius ofthe generalR is larger than or equal to(8~ 10)D(D is theoutside diameter).
(4)the appropriate choiceof elbow andaccessories
When thehydraulicpipelineengineering machineryis more complex,should use the rightelbowand accessories.This can make therubber hosedosage was reduced,and can reduce thehosecamber andtwist,avoidhoseproduces additionalstress.The correct use ofthe pipe clamp,can guarantee thestability ofpipeline arrangement,avoidthe hose and theequipmentdamaged bycontactsurface,but alsocan make therubber hosearrangementis more beautiful and elegant,orderlyand reasonable.